In 2015, the United Nations adopted the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, called “Global Goals.” By 2030, the nations of our planet want to avert climate change, eradicate poverty and hunger, and protect the world’s oceans, among other things. The German-Namibian association Suni e.V. has committed itself to Global Goal 4 “Quality education for all people worldwide”. To this end, Suni e.V. conducts exchanges of German and Namibian educators. In this way, they gain an insight into each other’s educational systems. They exchange methods and continue their education.
Currently, seven Namibian and seven German educators are in Trier for further training. Their topic: “Water”. In cooperation with the University of Trier and THE BLUE MIND e.V., the experts from both countries are gaining further qualifications. There is also support from the Local Agenda 21 Trier, the city library and the Sparkasse Trier.
“It’s important that we embed education for sustainable development in educational institutions around the world.”
“We are very grateful to have the opportunity to further our education in Trier. It is important that we anchor education for sustainable development at educational institutions around the world. In Trier, there are many examples we can look at,” explains Patricia Ndjavera, who leads the Namibian group.
The current exchange program spans two years and includes webinars, seminars, one study trip in Namibia and one in Germany, and several professional development sessions. Luisa Hoffmann, an educator from Maring-Noviand, is already drawing a conclusion after just a few days: “The exchange with our colleagues from Namibia is very enriching. We learn new perspectives and get to know new points of view. It’s very exciting.”

For the Namibian specialists, the further training in Trier is part of a three-week study trip. In Trier, they are particularly enthusiastic about the free water dispenser in front of the Porta Nigra. “We don’t have public water taps in our community,” says Lisa Noonga from Witvlei. “I think it’s a great idea.”

The German-Namibian exchange of educators is part of the Teams Up! Program of the African-German Youth Office of Engagement Global and is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Other sponsors include the Entwicklungspolitisches Landesnetzwerk Rheinland-Pfalz e.V. , the Catholic Fund, the Buhmann Foundation and the Sparkasse Trier.
If you would like to follow the German-Namibian exchange group, you can do so on Instagram: suni_ev