Educators from Germany and Namibia work on ESD projects

Home News Educators from Germany and Namibia work on ESD projects

From March 10 to 12, fourteen educators from Germany and Namibia prepared for joint projects and further training in the field of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Namibia. The return visit of the German group to Namibia will take place in August 2023. Then all professionals will receive joint further training at the Dessert Research Institute in Gobabeb and implement their joint ESD projects. The workshop also focused on the concrete preparation of the German group for their trip to Namibia. The workshop is part of a two-year exchange program with further training, webinars and one study trip each to Namibia and Germany. The exchange program is coordinated by Barbara Scharfbillig from Suni e.V. and Gijsbertha van Rooyen from Light for the Children Foundation.

Photo: Suni e.V., Workshop of German and Namibian professionals, Trier, March 2023

The exchange is part of the Teams Up! Program of the German-African Youth Network of Engagement Global and is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Other sponsors include the Entwicklungspolitisches Landesnetzwerk Rheinland-Pfalz e.V., Sparkasse Trier, Buhmann Stiftung, Catholic Fund and Suni e.V.

More about Light for the Children Foundation

More about the German-African Youth Office