German-Namibian Exchange of Educators

Home News German-Namibian Exchange of Educators

The first study trip of the German-Namibian Exchange of Educators started on July 27, 2024. The 14 participating educators spent three weeks together experiencing education for sustainable development in Namibia.

Foto: Gijsbertha van Rooyen, Gobabis, Juni 2024 / German-Namibian exchange of Educators 2024
Photo: Gijsbertha van Rooyen, Gobabis, Juni 2024 / German-Namibian exchange of Educators 2024

During the first week, the German experts spent time at their colleagues’ schools and gained an insight into the Namibian education system. Afterwards, the entire team went to the Namib Desert. At the Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust (NaDEET), they learned how education for sustainable development (ESD) can be practically implemented with children and young people. The training at NaDEET is specially designed for teachers and is part of the strategic plan to anchor ESD in the Namibian education system.

The group is currently in Swakopmund. The second part of the NaDEET training is taking place there. The German and Namibian educators will spend the last few days developing joint ESD projects and exploring the Omaheke.

Foto: Lisa Noonga, Witvlei, August 2024 / Educators in Witvlei
Foto: Lisa Noonga, Witvlei, August 2024 / Educators in Witvlei

The project is organized and implemented by Suni e.V., the working group Geography and its Didactics at the University of Trier, the Light for the Children Foundation and the Directorate of Education Omaheke Regiponal Council.

partners of the German-Namibian exchange of Educators

The German-Namibian Exchange of Educators is supported by the German-African Youth Organization at Engagement Global with funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Rhineland-Palatinate Development Policy Network, the State Chancellery of Rhineland-Palatinate and the German-Namibian Society.

sponsors of the German-Namibian exchange of Educators